Welcome on board!

GONOTEC GmbH sells the products of the ELITechGroup Biomedical Systems, i.e. all
AEROSPRAY® Stainers, VAPRO® Vapor Pressure Osmometer and MACRODUCT® Advanced, only in Germany.
Gonotec GmbH distributes the OSMOMAT® 3000 series worldwide with a few exceptions.
Please contact us for further information!

Season’s Greetings 2025!

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a peaceful and serene holiday season.
We look forward to continuing our relationship and would like to thank
all our partners for a Great Year of Success in 2024!

Let us help you

For general inquiries, please use the link on the right. Click Contact to complete a brief online form, or click Support for general phone and email information. Someone will be in touch with you soon.


Gonotec GmbH is a medium-sized German company which is specialized in the development,
manufacture and sale of osmometers for a wide variety of applications.

Even after more than 45 years of company history, GONOTEC is still the manufacturer of osmometers under the OSMOMAT® product brand and these are manufactured at our site in Berlin – quality „Made in Berlin“.

As a wholly owned subsidiary of the ELITechGroup, GONOTEC handles the sales and service of selected ELITechGroup products in order to provide fast on-site support.

The manufacturer of these products is ELITechGroup Biomedical Systems Inc. (Logan, Utah).

Freezing process


Reuchlinstraße 10–11 | 10553 Berlin | GERMANY
Fon: +49 (0)30 7809 588-0 | Fax: +49 (0)30 7809 588-88

 Commercial Register: Berlin Charlottenburg
HRB 14889
WEEE-REG.Nr.: DE65424410
VAT-Nr.: DE 136636405

Please be aware. This website contains information on products that are targeted to a wide range of audiences and could contain product details or information otherwise not accessible or valid in your country.

2024 © GONOTEC GmbH / ELITechGroup / All Rights Reserved.